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Saturday, December 8, 2007

Shopping w/Mommy

Mommy, Michelle, Kylie and I went shopping... (@ Walmart) yesterday. Just to get a few odds and ends. Well, mommy made me try on a few things and took my picture! She made me try on shoes... I'm a size 4!!! I had a silly Santa hat on, and she had me try a few coats on... (because it's cold outside) I got the blue one, the gold one just looked... ugly. I didn't get any shoes, just the coat, mainly because I don't walk yet, so there's no point in having the shoes!

That's it for today... so far! Love you all!

Oh yeah, I got to sit in a BIG GIRL Car seat last night! Mommy and Michelle hooked it up in Michelle's car. I got to sit up like the grown ups! YAY!

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