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Friday, January 11, 2008

Trip to Nana's

We went to Nana and Papi's house on Jan 2-4th. There I got my first balloon... loved it!and hated it.. I didn't know what to think of it! then.. I kept climbing onto the kiddie chairs.
Then we visited the SHOE tree... which daddy didn't know that the original tree had burned down, (someone was mean and burned it down) so... now there's... like seven trees... just COVERED in SHOES!!!!!! wow!
then there's some pictures of me sleeping in the car from the car rides.... !!! I'm just TOO FREAKING CUTE! Love you!

My room, and other stuff

I wanted to show you pictures of my room, this is my space.... ALL MINE!

Then there's a few random pics that I thought would be cool to throw in this blog.. enjoy!
The picture with all the stuffed animals, and Pop... I'm in there.. look closer... you'll find me... LoL! Pop has been going to Goodwill, and buying all the stuffed animals... cleaning them up, and then giving them to us!

Welcome 2008!

This was my first New Year's experience! I got to stay up late with all the partiers.. and watch the ball drop... after we finally saw the weirdo jump a football field TWICE.... I went to bed.

the reason my shirt is off by the end of the night, is because I got a hold of daddy's drink when he wasn't looking and tried drinking it, but managed to spill it all over me instead... oops!! haha!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Aliviah's First Christmas

My first Christmas was very "loved" filled.

I got a new house, along with lots of little toys!
I didn't really get to help decorate the tree, or anything for that matter, BUT I was there to watch, and I'm sure I'll be able to help next year! Happy Holidays everyone!